Short Black Ops II Multiplayer Rewiew

Well, since I can’t connect to the Black Ops II servers at this time, I suppose I can write a little something about my overall experience with the game to  this point.

While only able to get to level 24 in online multiplayer so far, I feel, as a long-time Call of Duty player, that I’m able to give my opinion on the online multiplayer of Black Ops II. Aside from some connectivity issues I’ve been experiencing for about 20 hours at this point, it seems like the makers have a done a decent job in changing many different aspects of the game to give it a new,  different feel than the original Black Ops.

The game has added and implemented many new procedures which offer responses to many complaints that people have had over the years. For example, Domination is now a two-round mode in which teams switch sides halfway through–a-la Search and Destroy– in efforts to stop spawn-trapping and camping. With the new perks and “pick ten” system, it feels as if you have more freedom of choice with your weapons and attachments.

There are a lot more attachment options–from different grips and stocks that offer different advantages– to several new scopes and sights for your weapons. My favorite new addition in the sights category would have to be the “target finder” scope. It’s essentially a scope that shows your enemies in a red squares and locks onto them. Imagine the marksman perk from MW3 revamped into an attachment. Amazing.

I also enjoy the new scorestreak system. Instead of being rewarded for getting kills without dying, the player is rewarded for the amount of points he or she gets in one life. So for example, with the old method, if you got a double-kill against an enemy, you would simply get two points toward your killstreak. With the new scoring system, you are rewarded for the points you received for those kills. So, if you got that double kill and one was a headshot, you’ll get those extra 50 points counting toward your scorestreak. Also counted are assist points, capture points, etc., which really helps your streak along nicely.

The new scorestreak rewards are very nice. Some are new altogether, and some are revamped.  The RC-XD is back, just the same as before, and the Death Machine is back as well, except this time, you get the Death Machine until all the ammo runs out, regardless of how many lives that takes. The new scorestreaks include the Warthog—which calls in an A-10 Thunderbolt that provides air support by doing several strafe runs on the map—the Hunter Killer drone, which Deploys a flying drone that seeks out and tries to destroy the nearest enemy player or vehicle, and a few other new welcome additions.

All-in-all, I think the game is a pretty refreshing take on the Call of Duty series. It has a very sci-fi, futuristic feel. The graphics are not as good as Modern Warfare’s, but they are much better than the first installment of Black Ops. The guns feel a little ‘nerfy’ compared to the weaponry in Modern Warfare, but the fresh-and-newness of them, the new attachments and perk options, and rewards in the game makes up for that. If you were a fan of the original Black Ops, I think it’s safe to say you will absolutely love Black Ops II. On the other hand, if you are a previous CoD-hater, I’d still say to give it a try. There are enough new policies and implementations to where it’s really worth giving it a second look-over.

At the moment the only complaints I have myself and am hearing from others in the community are the connectivity issues. The constant dropping of games and different errors people are receiving that’s preventing them from playing online. Here we are, two days after the initial release of one of the most anticipated games of all-time, and a lot of people are unable to play, including myself. That being said, it will not stop me from liking the game. The temporary server issues are just a bump in the road, and Activision states they are “working tirelessly” to resolve them. I’ll be waiting.

How To Improve Your CoD Game

So, since I started my Facebook page, Elite Girl Gamers, I’ve been getting messages from people asking advice, tips, and strategies to improve on their Call of Duty skills. People asking which class I use, which perks and killstreaks I use, etc. So I decided to compile all my advice into one post, making it a little easier and more accessible to my followers.

The first and most valuable piece of advice I have ever been given is– SLOW THE F*CK DOWN!

1) As soon as that count down begins at the beginning of a match, don’t get too excited. Keep your cool and go slow. You want to see people BEFORE they see you, and have time to react. Try playing an entire match without sprinting ONCE. Do it.

Wait for them to come to you

2) AIM AROUND CORNERS. One thing I have found in playing with higher-ranked players is that they ALL aim around corners. Every time. It gives you the upper hand, while just running aimlessly around the corner makes you an easy target for those waiting on the other side. I can’t tell you how many more kills I got when I started aiming around corners. Your K/D will thank you for it.

3) Tap the trigger…don’t squeeze it. Holding R1 down completely  is just asking for your shots to be wild all over the place.

4) Watch the mini-map intensely. Think of it as your rear-view mirror, COD-style. Take note of the position of your teammates at all times. Try to stay in an area where you are surrounded by your own teammates. If you hear gunshots, take a glance at the mini-map. If one of your teammates disappears, that’s where an enemy is.

Use It! A lot! Always be looking!

5) Play the walls. Try to position yourself towards the outside of whatever map you are on. This way, you have one less side to cover. If you are in the middle of a map, make sure there is something (boxes, vehicles) between you and your enemy. Make yourself a harder target.

6) Have many different, varying classes for different style of play. If you enter a lobby where people are running and gunning, you need to sit back at a distance and pick them off. If you are in a match with an opposing team that is sitting back, not moving, you need to go search them out. Slowly, aiming around corners–giving yourself the upper hand.

This brings me to “which classes are best?”

Now, I can’t tell you which classes are ‘best’, but I can tell you which classes I USE, and why.

Someone call the DOCTOR!

1st class on my selection is my ‘pwning’ class. It’s the class I probably use most often, because I find it to be most effective. It is as follows;

Class 1-   G36C with Kick and Red Dot. Just a regular red dot. No ‘omega’, no ‘delta’. Hit the ‘none’ option when selecting your red dot. This gives you a smaller target, making your shots more accurate. This is my only class that uses a red dot sight. The rest are all iron sights.With  this class, I use Sleight of Hand, Hardline, and Marksman. Well, I use Marksman on EVERY class. Because, I believe, it is the most valuable perk in slot three, for sure. Being able to see someone before they see you is most important in this game, and Marksman gives you that upper hand.

Class 2- AK-47, silenced with impact. The AK is accurate enough as it is. No red dot needed. Perks on this class are; Blind Eye, Assassin, and Marksman again. ALWAYS use Marksman.

Class 3- MP7 with kick and either impact, or melee. I haven’t had too much extra luck adding the ‘melee’ feature, but find myself switching back and forth between impact and melee. Personally, I think I like impact better on this class. It gives you a slight upper hand when running and gunning. The less bullets it takes you to kill them, the better. Perks, again are Sleight of Hand, Hardline, and Marksman. This is also the only class I use ‘Support” killstreaks on. For Support, I recommend advanced UAV, Stealth Bomber, and EMP.

Class 4- My Specialist class. ACR silenced with impact. See where I’m going, here? You want to be as quiet as possible. Try to not be seen, but still have your presence be known in the game. Silencers and ‘impact’ proficiency does this for you. Perks are…Blind Eye, Hardline, and Marksman. (Yes, I use Hardline and Marksman on almost every class. They are the the most valuable perks.) Killstreaks are, Assassin first, Sleight of Hand second, and Scavenger last. By then, you’ll need more ammo.

Class 5- When jumping into a lobby with people who are using explosives…A LOT…you need to have something up your sleeve. Class 5 is my tubing class. ACR with attachments, silencer and grenade launcher. I ONLY use this class if I have to. I go back and forth between Semtex and Frag. I like that a Frag will roll into place, but sometimes prefer to stick it somewhere 🙂

For assault killstreaks, I usually use Predator, Attack Helicopter, and Reaper.

For support, I usually use Advanced UAV, Stealth Bomber, and EMP…just to piss off the other team. Chances are, if I’m using my Support class, they’re pissing me off, so I give it right back.

My perks are always the same. I like Sleight of Hand/Blind Eye, Hardline, and Marksman. They work well for me. Find out which ones work best for you.

After playing this game for YEARS, going from GOD AWFUL to pretty-freakin’-good, following this advice will definitely help your K/D and get your some more kills. Use whatever classes you want as long as you follow these steps, you should be in a much better position to merc the enemy.

Black Ops 2 Will Have Futuristic Nuketown

Score! Nuketown was easily the most fun and active map on Black Ops, and it seems as though we will be able to play it again in the November release of Black ops 2. They are adding it “at launch as a pre-order bonus”. Basically, anyone who pre-orders will be given  the DLC of this new…well, revisited map.

Apparently, it will be set in the year 2025.

Along with the newly-announced re-release of the ‘Terminal’ map from MW2 into MW3 soon, I think Treyarch is onto something promising, here. Dedicated Dutyers like myself really enjoy purchasing new DLC for the game, and the fact that the ‘new’ DLC is an old favorite makes it even better.

I think it’s safe to say anyone who’s been Dutying for the last few years is eagerly anticipating the release of both these maps. And the new game. And anything else they throw out there for DLC. No one can resist a new map!

See ya on PS3!

Click here to see the Modern Warfare 3 leaked Terminal Footage:

Rekindling an old flame by playing video games

I must say, when I first started playing first person shooter games, all I could basically do was look at the ground, and throw grenades. That was about 3 years ago. My husband would have friends over, and they would sit and play Call of Duty for hours. I just didn’t understand the appeal. I couldn’t wrap my head around how someone could sit there for so long just pressing buttons on a controller. Then, one day, I realized there was so much more to it that that.

I remembered how, since I was 5 years old, I had some sort of video game console in my house. I was an only child, and my Dad used to play Nintendo before I could even grasp the idea of controlling a character on the screen. Mario on Nintendo gave way to Sonic on Sega, which eventually evolved to Crash Bandicoot on PlayStation. I had them all. I used to love playing video games. What happened? What events took place in my life that made me break away from the amazingness of watching Sonic roll at high speeds through a course, and that sound when you picked up those shiny, golden rings?

As I sat on my couch, pregnant and bored, I decided to see what the fuss was all about. I just had to see what was keeping husbands and boyfriends around the world up until 3am. I put in Modern Warfare 2, and jumped directly into a multiplayer game. Bad idea.  I think I went 2-24. Awful. Just Godawful. I quickly decided that campaign may be a better starting point. As I sat in front of my TV and PlayStation 3, tongue sticking out the side of my mouth, pulling my controller from side-to-side, fixated on this game, it all came flooding back. All those memories and feelings from my childhood. All that time I spent saving my progress in Doom and entering passwords my Dad had written on paper plates to beat the final stage–it was still there. Why had I ever stopped playing games? I had no idea. I finished single-player mode that day, and was feeling a little more confident.

I went back into multiplayer and gave it my all. I was still awful. But I didn’t care. I started to realize and remember how it felt to do something right in a game. How it felt when you practice and put time in and actually get good at a game. How triumphant you feel when you have tried the same mission, level–whatever you wanna call it–40 times, and you keep getting hung up on the same point, then you finally get past it. YOU are now the master of this game. You are no longer a noob.

Looking back, I still can’t really answer the question of why I stopped playing games. In my later teenage years, I was more focused on drugs, sex, drinking, and having “fun.”

I realize now, that perhaps if I had spent more time on video games, and less time doing the things I was doing, I most likely would have been lead down a completely different path. Some people may say video games cause you to be lazy, are a waste of time, or promote violence. If I had spent more time on video games when I was a teen, perhaps I would have said ‘no’ to drugs. Maybe I would have went to college sooner. Maybe I would be the first female president. Probably none of those things would have happened, but you never know. All I know now, is I have a wonderful life, nonetheless. I have an idiot fabulous husband (love you, honey), the cutest kid in the world, and we’re surviving. And we play a lot of games.  Not to mention, practiced my way to Expert in every RockBand instrument.

Which brings me to another point– wives and girlfriends are always pushing men to be interested in things they want to do. How about popping in some Duty and playing 2nd player? If your man likes games, give ’em a try. You never know, you could be ‘pwning noobs’ in no time.